Carthage places a major emphasis on undergraduate research and scholarship. Early and often in their time at Carthage, students are challenged to perform original study under the close guidance of experienced faculty.

This approach enhances learning by connecting lessons to “real-world” settings, providing students with constant feedback, and requiring them to respond to novel challenges. Surveys show those with undergraduate research experience are more likely to earn degrees and pursue advanced degrees.

Expected of all students

At Carthage, research is built into every student’s experience. Research serves as the foundation for entire 学术课程. 除了, all prospective graduates must complete a senior thesis, which may be a research project, 艺术展览, 音乐独奏会, 一个投资组合, 一篇研究论文, or other project that pertains to the student’s area of study.

的 Value of Undergraduate Research

Students share what they’ve gotten from their Carthage experience.

Early exposure, lasting impact

的 Association of American Colleges and Universities has identified “early and active involvement in systematic investigation and research” as one of 10 educational practices with the strongest impact. As early as their freshman year, Carthage students can participate in cutting-edge research. Through their original work, students contribute to society both directly and indirectly. “It gets them excited that they’re part of something original and not just redoing something everybody’s done every year,” said biology professor 介绍一下关于托比亚逊黛博拉.

Carthage offers students paid summer research positions through the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience. A hallmark of Carthage education since the 1990s, SURE offers students in all majors the opportunity to engage in full-time collaborative research with professors. Students work closely with a faculty mentor on campus for 10 weeks, receiving a stipend and research budget.

Carthage students have a strong track record of obtaining positions in competitive research laboratories nationwide as paid summer interns. 的se opportunities give them further hands-on experience with cutting-edge instruments and methods and the chance to contribute to large-scale projects under the mentorship of research university faculty, 博士后研究人员, 还有研究生. In recent years, numerous students have participated in programs such as those offered through the National Science Foundation Research Experience for Undergraduates, Medical College of Wisconsin’s Summer Program for Undergraduate Research,和 安进的全球十大赌钱排行app.

Carthage has institutional membership in the Council on Undergraduate Research, preeminent national organization devoted to promoting high-quality undergraduate student-faculty collaborative research and scholarship.

Carthage also partners with prestigious institutions, including

  • 美国国家航空航天局
  • 的 Howard Hughes Medical Institute
  • Wisconsin Space Grant Consortium (headquartered at Carthage)
  • 的 University of Chicago Yerkes Observatory and other major observatories
  • 的 Huairou Education Bureau in Beijing, China
  • 的 Sloan Digital Sky Survey
  • 的 Stress and Motivated Behavior Institute at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey
  • 和更多的!

Carthage students regularly conduct microgravity research with 美国国家航空航天局 scientists. Freshmen have the opportunity to perform innovative genomics experiments through the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

现在ation opportunities

  • Students present their research at the 2019 Celebration of Scholars event. Carthage students present their research findings on campus, as well as at regional and national conferences.
  • Every spring, Carthage holds Celebration of Scholars, an event that highlights research and other original work by students and faculty.
  • Carthage students are regularly invited to present their findings at regional, national and international conferences, including Posters on the Hill, Midstates Science and Math Consortium Undergraduate Research Symposia,和 National Literature Conference.